Monday, July 4, 2011

Allie is 3 months old, and Rolls Over

I can't believe it... Allie is 3 months old. She is getting so big. I have really enjoyed this age. I wasn't a big fan of the newborn age, but I love 3 months. She smiles, and talks a lot.

On June 22nd Allie Rolled Over..I layed her down and all of the sudden she started to roll over.. I then grabbed my camera and took pictures of her rolling. Now I will set her on the floor and walk away and when I turn back to look at her she has already rolled over. She is doing so good...

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Cute girl! That's how Ethan started rolling over, back to belly, too. But, it's usually the other way around ('cause they usually want off their bellies!) We must have weird kids:) She's really too beautiful. I agree about the newborn stage-- so hard. I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to that part again:)