Saturday, June 26, 2010


When we moved into our house (3 1/2 years ago) our backyard was a mess. It had a tree that was 1/2 dead, and it had weeds everywhere. We would cleaned it up to where it was just dirt and then weeds would grow back and then we would clean it up again. I finally decided I wanted my backyard to look nice! I called a friend of mine to help us lay sod. We ordered the sod and had our friend come and clean the backyard and remove the tree. He also fixed up our sprinkler system! There are just a few yellow spots, but now that we added two more sprinklers everything is getting watered. I love my green grass/Backyard!



IT does look nice!!! Way to Go!

Bethany said...

You mean, you didn't like the "dirt look"? I thought it looked nice....

Kolste said...

your backyard looks great! and its huge!