This last weekend we were able to go to laughlin and get away for a little bit. We just decieded randomly one night that we would go. My sister in law told us that she had a thing that allowed her to get two free rooms and my brother in law had one which allowed him to get two free rooms, so we would all get our rooms for free so we went! It was my husbands brother and his wife, and his two sister and their husbands and his uncle and aunt! There were ten of us that went so it was even funner because we were all together playing around!We stayed at the river palm! It was a really nice trip! We went shopping at the mall, got our toes done (thanks phil) and we walked around a little bit and played a few games and went to a comedy club, I would never go to the comedy club was an old guy that kept saying the same jokes over and over again...never again! Here are a few pictures of us at the mall....