On march 4th we flew to Utah for my brother Thomas' wedding. He married Mandy, a girl from Blanding in the Logan temple. I had never been in the Logan temple so that was fun to be able to go inside, and see what it looked like. On saturday, March 6th we woke up and my dad made us breakfast and then we got ready for the wedding. My mom and two sisters and my niece all dressed alike. The sealing was really good, and it brought me memories of my own. I love to attending sealings just for that reason. We are so happy for Thomas, and wish him the best of luck!

After the wedding we took pictures, and then went out to a mexican food place. We ate enchiladas, tacos and burritos, and of course chips and salsa.

Then today I celebrated my 23rd birthday! Alan made reservations at the Melting pot for us to be able to go to and enjoy dinner together. It was a lot of fun. When we first got there and sat down at the table there were flowers there, I didnt know what they were there for until Alan told me those were for me!

This was the first time we had been to the melting pot for dinner, so we were new at the whole thing. We got the 4 course meal and began diggin' in. First we got a cheese dip, which you dip chips, bread, apples, and veggies into. It was really good.

After the cheese dip then we had a salad. After the salad was the entree which consisted of meats and veggies. It was fun to be able to put meat into the pot and let it cook, and then eat it.

After our entree was time for dessert. Before dessert they brought me out a card that wished me happy birthday! Then we got out dessert which was white chocolate and apple spices and apple dices in the white chocolate and we dipped marshmellows, rice crispys, brownies, strawberries and bananns into. It was soooo delicious!! I love the Melting pot!