This year we were able to have a wonderful white Christmas. We left on wednesday night and drove to Flagstaff, and then woke up early on thursday and drove to Monticello. It is only a 6 hr drive, but we didn't know what Flagstaff would be like so we just decided to take it slow and make sure we got there safe. We arrived in Monticello on thursday around 11am. We surprised my family because they didn't think we were coming until Friday. Kelly and her family and Lindsey weren't able to make it to christmas, but hopefully they will be able to come to Thanksgiving next year. As you can see behind my parents house is the Monticello temple. All you can see of the temple is the Angel Moroni.

We really enjoyed being able to spend time with my familly, even though it was cold ( highs in the 20's and lows less then 10 degrees). We stayed inside most of the time.

Friday morning we were able to wake up and have a nice breakfast and then got to open presents.

Alan did very well this year picking out gifts for me. He got me Diamond Earings, Ipod touch, and some clothes and shoes.
As for Alan he made out pretty good too... He got a flying Helicopter and some hunting gear.
My sister and her husband were able to come down to for christmas and they gave us matching sweaters of my brother in laws company. He and his brother own a car repair/lifting business.

Here are just a few other random christmas pictures.....

My niece Taylynn opening up her present from US

Thomas and His "Fiance"opening up presents

Mom opening up her new CD player

Dad opening up a Portable Digital TV